Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Color and the sun

Our bodies and brains like to associate colors with the patterns of the sun.

We get excited by red, yellow, and orange because it reminds us of the sun. Back in the days before electricity, we used to wake up with the sun, so we are used to the bright, warm colors making us excited.

The same way we used to wake up with the sun, we went to sleep with the moon. This is the reason why blue, green and purple make us relax and feel tired.

Color Memory

Your brain remembers what something is no matter what color it is. Your brain will put the normal color over the color of the object.

You can still see that this is a horse, even though it's purple!


Did you know that your school uses color? It's true! The walls in your school are probably a gross pinky orange color. The reason they did this is because pinks and oranges are supposed to cheer you up and make you focus on your school work more. Do you think it works?

Color Therapy

Color Therapy is newer kind of healing process. They use bathtubs with colored light or they put people in different rooms with colored light to help with psychological problems.

Red light makes length seem longer, weight feel heavier, time go slower, and temperature is warmer.

Blue light makes headaches go away and it helps you sleep.

How do you feel?

When you look at certain colors they make you feel things. People who want to sell you things use color to make them look good to you.

Fast food companies use red and yellow to make you excited, happy, and hungry.

Sugar companies use blue because it seems sweet.

Cleaners use the color green because it reminds us of chemicals.

Even police officers use color! Did you know that a long time ago the police used red cars? They found out that people felt scared by the red so they switched to blue. Blue is more relaxing and calming.

What is psychology?

Psychology is a science. It studies the way people think and behave, and the processes of the brain. Color plays a big role in psychology. There are reactions to colors that everyone has. The brain sends messages to another part of the body that releases hormones (chemicals) that are based on the color.

Red makes your heart beat faster, your blood pump harder, and you breath quicker. It can also make you grow quicker and react to things quicker.

Blue does the opposite... It makes your heart beat slower.

What do Colors mean?

This video is a short explanation of what the 6 main colors mean.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Colors can trick your eyes!

Color comes from light. Anything you see reflects color, which shows what the color of the thing is.

Color can play tricks on your eyes. Red, orange, and yellow look like they are coming at you. Blue, green, and purple look like they are moving away from you. Look at this picture. Is it moving?

Do you like colors?

Colors help us figure out what things are!

What is your favorite color?